Direct mail campaigns without the hassle

Direct mail still works. Just look how much still comes through the average letterbox in one week. Some of it gets opened. And it gets results. Email has become increasingly popular, but it can’t rival the sense of “event” that a well designed sales letter and give away can generate.

The only real problem with direct mail, especially for smaller companies, is that getting a mail shot out of the door can be extremely time consuming. Trying to handle it internally ties up valuable resources and can really drag on.

Which is why smart firms employ the services of mailing houses to do all the hard work for them. They write the letter and then pass it on to their mailing partner to stuff the envelopes and get out of the door. Which means no more wasted hours putting hundreds of letters into envelopes, before carting them down the post office. Mailing houses offer a slick seamless solution. Meaning this form of marketing can still go on, without causing a drain on resources. It’s a much better use of everyone’s time and resources to launch a campaign this way.

BTB Mail Flight are one of the UK’s leading providers of this kind of end to end service. They know just what their customers want. A slick, efficient launch and a great return of leads, without too much input and involvement from their end. With BTB on board as a partner, the logistical elements are completely outsourced. Meaning marketing mail can be launched quickly and easily. It’s the kind of service so many companies wish they had thought about years ago.

To discuss any kind of campaign or fulfilment project, give them a call or get in touch by email. Their customer service team are on hand to discuss any requirements and answer any questions that prospective customers may have.

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